Bruxism (Teeth Clenching) Treatment is a treatment method applied in cases where teeth are squeezed at night while sleeping, excessive grinding or pressing together. There can be many underlying causes of jaw pain that everyone experiences from time to time.
The problem of teeth clenching and grinding, which manifests itself especially due to stress, is an action that the person does without realizing it while sleeping at night.
Bruxism can be defined as health problems that usually manifest themselves during sleep and are caused by jaw movements. Bruxism, also known as tooth clenching problem, can occur due to involuntary behavior.
Since there is no conscious behavior of the patients, it is included in the diseases caused by stress. You can contact our Alanya Dental House clinic and create your appointment request for Bruxism treatment methods.
What Causes Bruxism?
Bruxism, that is, the problem of teeth clenching, can occur due to many reasons. Especially psychological disorders and stress are among the most well-known causes of the problem of bruxism. Bruxism that occurs in the muscles in the jaw area can bring about different symptoms.
Since it occurs especially at night, it can cause the person to experience severe jaw and bone pain during the day. Jaw contractions, which reveal bruxism, are caused by unconscious and involuntary movements of the person.
If the person is experiencing jaw pain when he wakes up frequently, it will be useful to go to a specialist doctor as soon as possible. In the following periods, serious health problems may occur for the mouth and jaw area and dental structures.
In the researches on bruxism, it is not known exactly why this health problem is sourced. Stating that genetic factors also play a role, experts say that psychological factors play a more effective role on bruxism.
Causes of bruxism:
- Anxiety
- Psychological disorders
- Stress
- Stress fatigue
- Fatigue
- Excessive anger and irritability
Tension and similar emotions can be listed as the most important factors triggering bruxism. Apart from these, many different reasons can also develop Bruxism. Constantly increasing anxiety is one of the most obvious examples of this.
However, in certain periods, the person may also have the problem of teeth clenching because the person has made a habit. For bruxism and its treatment, it must first be determined what causes the problem.
Bruxism can also be associated with many diseases. Diseases related to bruxism, which is closely related to very serious health problems, can be listed as follows:
- Dementia
- Parkinson’s
- Epilepsy
- Reflux disorder
- Night terrors
- Hyperactivity and mental disorders
- It is closely related to diseases such as sleep disorders and sleep apnea.
You can make an appointment with our dentist for the treatment of bruxism in our Alanya Dental House clinic.
What are the Symptoms of Bruxism (Teeth Clenching)?
Bruxism is a health problem that manifests itself with many symptoms. The most common symptoms of bruxism, the problem of clenching teeth, can be explained as follows:
- Grinding of teeth with a very loud sound, although the person does not notice it, since it usually occurs during sleep
- Toothache felt in the morning due to teeth remaining interlocked throughout the night
- Sensitivities in the teeth
- Sculpted, abrased and cracked teeth
- Noticeable pain in the neck, face and chin area
- Tooth enamel that wears out to make the tooth layers stand out
- Pain in the ear
- Mild or severe pain in the temples due to locking of the jaw and prolonged clenching of the teeth
- Sleep irregularity and inability to sleep soundly
- Irritation and noticeable destruction of the inner parts of the cheeks
- Jaw structure that does not open and close in a healthy way due to fatigue of the jaw muscles
The severity of the symptoms we have mentioned may vary from person to person. However, if you are experiencing problems due to the symptoms we have mentioned, you should definitely contact our Alanya Dental House clinic and get help from our specialist physician.
How is Bruxism Diagnosed?
Our specialist physician prefers many different methods for the diagnosis of bruxism. First of all, in the process of examination, the symptoms of the diagnosis of bruxism are examined.
However, various methods are followed to treat the disease and to understand whether the patient really needs treatment.
- The general dental and jaw health of the patient is examined.
- It is checked whether there are some drugs that are used regularly and continuously.
- The patient’s routine habits and daily activities during the day should be monitored.
Detailed information about sleep habits is obtained. In this way, a truly healthy diagnosis for bruxism can be made. At the same time, in the diagnosis of bruxism, the jaw bone and teeth and the inside of the mouth should be checked in detail. During the examination;
- The degree of sensitivity experienced by the person in the chin area,
- Damage and abnormalities that occur and are evident in the teeth,
- Damage to the inner part of the cheeks,
- Bruxism can also be diagnosed by looking at the damage to the jawbone after the X-ray.
What are the Treatment Methods of Bruxism (Tooth Clenching)?
Generally, the problem of teeth clenching can be seen more in young and adolescent children. However, it is also known as a health problem experienced in adults. Early diagnosis and treatment of bruxism prevents more serious health problems in the future.
For the treatment of bruxism, it is essential to first make a definitive diagnosis of the disease. As a result of detailed examinations, various methods are preferred to prevent the destruction of the cheek and teeth and to reduce the pain in the jaw area.
If there is a problem of clenching teeth due to sleep problems, the priority is to eliminate this problem. If teeth grinding and teeth clenching problems occur due to sleep apnea, tests should be performed to eliminate the problem.
In case of bruxism problem due to psychological disorders, a referral is made to a therapist or a psychologist. Therapies for the treatment of tooth clenching, especially caused by anxiety, can give healthier results.
You can meet with our dentist to learn the right position to eliminate the habit of teeth clenching and teeth grinding.
With the help of various mouth guards, the patient can be prevented from clamping his teeth together. In this way, it is possible to reduce the pressure that will occur in the jaw.
You can call our Alanya Dental House clinic and talk to our specialist physician for bruxism treatment methods and methods.